Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)

Surely you’ve seen the ads for EDDM – Every Door Direct Mail – and wondered if it would work for you.

The post office has always allowed us commercial mailers to drop unaddressed carrier routes of larger-sized pieces at the local post offices for great postage discounts. Then a couple of years ago they realized they could open that up for you the consumer.

So, where does Mail Pro USA fit in? you ask if it’s something you could do for yourself…………

Good question!! As with other mail, there are two categories – Retail and Commercial (which is entered at a BMEU on a permit). And, as with other mail, the Commercial category offers some perks.

Perks of Commercial EDDM –

  • No Quantity Limits
  • Postage can be paid for several post offices at once
  • No standing in line at the Retail post office counters
  • Churches and Non-Profits an use their Non-Profit rates

We’re ready to take care of your EDDM mailings for you! We’ll count, bundle and deliver to the post office.

Here’s the USPS EDDM website link if you need it
